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Cowboys and poker have been tied together throughout history and Season 3 of Poker After Dark celebrated the game’s most notable cowboys. The newest block of episodes available exclusively on PokerGO saw each player sport a full-sized cowboy hat with Chau Giang perhaps pulling off the look the best.
Chris Ferguson, Andy Bloch, Doyle Brunson, Hoyt Corkins, Gabe Kaplan and Chau Giang brought gamble as big as their brims for the five-episode block.
“Shouldn’t we be playing HORSE?” Bloch asked. “It’s cowboy week.”
“We should be, you’re right” Brunson agreed.
Perhaps the first and last time every player at the table had a cowboy hat.
“I’ll vote for it,” said Ferguson.
“We can do Omaha next?” Bloch asked the dealer. But no, the game remained No Limit Texas Hold’em.
Brunson was lively and needled Kaplan early – “Isn’t it true Gabe, that you had a zit on your butt and went to the doctor and he said that you had a brain tumor?”
Brunson stayed chatty, saying to no one in particular, “Boy, they can have Europe. I hated it over there,” he said. “They didn’t have anything to eat except their fruits and vegetables.”
“I’m turning you off Phil,” he said as he played with his flip phone after it beeped. “These hands are flying over here.” It’s anyone’s guess as to which Phil was texting Brunson at the table.
Giang pointed out to Brunson that every time his dog gets out, it goes to Brunson’s house. “He wants to see my dogs,” Brunson replied. “They want to go swimming.”
Near the end of the first episode, Brunson and Bloch played a sizable pot and Brunson bluffed $1,500 on the river. Bloch tanked, called his hand while thinking out loud – and Brunson showed an ace. “The problem is if you just had ace-high, you’d probably check it,” Bloch said.
Andy Bloch tied up in knots after Brunson showed him an ace and folded the best hand.
Most of the Season 3 matchups are available on demand exclusively on PokerGO and new blocks of episodes continue to be released. Season 1 and 2 are available in their entirety with Ali Nejad providing commentary.
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